Transcript: Video Description Video opens with a black background with white words saying: Special Announcement from IAD!
Video blurs to a video with a white woman in front of a blue background. She has brown hair down with some curls with blue earrings. She is wearing clear-white glasses and a dark blue polo shirt with IAD the logo on the right side of the shirt. On the right hand corner, a black woman with dreads is sitting in front of a white background with a white fireplace and two small brown vases. The dreads ended on the left side of her body. She is wearing a cream colored earring while in a dark blue polo shirt with the IAD logo on the right side.
Beth: Hello everyone! My name is Beth Yaste, and I am your IAD President.
Beth turns on the right, with the video switching Beth and Candice’s positions. Beth is now shown on the upper left hand corner while Candice is full screen.
Candice: Hello! My name is Candice, and I am your Vice-President. Beth and Candice swap positions.
Beth: We have a message to share with you, Deaf Hoosiers! We are currently seeking for a Treasurer for IAD and the position is open.
Beth and Candice swap positions.
Candice: Are you interested? If yes, contact me and Beth. Her email is as below.
Black bar with white words: appears and fades.
Candice: My email is of below.
Black bar with white words: VIcePresident@IADHoosiers.Org appears and fades.
Beth and Candice swap positions.
Beth: When is the deadline? August 20th, 2021, this Friday. We hope to hear from you! Let’s close this video with IAD’s motto.
Video shows Beth and Candice side by side.
Beth and Candice: We unite! We learn together! We educate together!
Video fades to a black background with white words saying: Interested in being Treasurer for IAD?
Contact at either or